Thursday 24 May 2012

Peter Fredson

My name is Peter Fredson and currently our company announcers new post of Mystery
Shopper in your area. As Mystery Shopper your duties will be to get more information
about the service from various shopping outlet.

You will get $200.00 per assignment and you can take as many assignments as time
permits you, each task will take about 1 hour and it wont affect your present
occupation because its flexible.
If you have an interest in this post, please fill in the information below and send
it back to us at .

Your Full Name:
Full Address, city, state and zipcode:
Mobile and home Phone Numbers:
Email address:

Hope to hear from you soon!
Kind regards
Peter Fredson.


  1. I have received your mail. What exactly is the motive of this job? Thanks!

  2. You sent this e-mail to over 15 people from my e-mail account!!
