Monday 28 July 2014

加国无房族置业有诀窍 各种退税优惠



  不少人以为首期至少要20%或以上,其实,首期可低至5%,凡是首期不足房价的20%,买家便需要购买按揭保险(Mortgage loan insurance ),一般称之为加拿大按揭房屋公司担保保险(CMHC insurance);由2012年7月9日开始,只限接受1百万元以下的投保,逾百万的便至少要付首期20%。

注册退休储蓄计划最高提款$25,000‧ The First Time Home Buyers RRSP Plan

  这项名为首置者RRSP贷款计划(The First Time Home Buyers RRSP Plan ,简称HBP) ,顾名思义,可让首次置业人士从他们的注册退休储蓄计划(RRSP)户口提款最高$25,000来置业。这笔款项是要“偿还”的,必须在15年内还回RRSP户口内,假设提出$25,000,每年至少要还款$1,667,万一在某一年未能偿还最低还款额,差额便会列作该年度的入息。

买家税务优惠‧Home Buyer Tax Credit (HBTC)


安省置业储蓄计划‧Ontario Home Ownership Savings Plan (OHOSP)

  方法很简单,要实行置业大计,首先是在任何金融机构/银行、包括安省储蓄局(Province of Ontario Savings Office)开设一个OHOSP户口,这是赚取利息的储蓄户口,利息多少视金融机构而定。
  OHOSP并无税务优惠,利息需要缴税。不过,根据个人收入,在报税时每年个人最高可获安省税务优惠(Ontario Tax Credit)$500,夫妇两人便是$1,000。

安省首置者土地转让税‧Ontario First Time Home Buyers Land Transfer Tax Credit

  在安省,无论是新屋或重售物业买卖,都要付土地转让税(Land Transfer Tax),但首置者可享退税,最高退税额是$2,000。


  多伦多土地转让税‧Toronto First Time Home Buyers Land Transfer Tax Rebate
- See more at:

Thursday 24 July 2014

Samantha Brown's great weekend

遗嘱, 信托和人寿保险在加拿大的实际应用

本月免费国语讲座由资深财务规划师, 注册退休规划顾问与您分享以下成功理财策略
1. 遗嘱的三种形式 
2. 如何制定免费遗嘱 
3. 制定遗嘱应该注意那些事项 
4. 无遗嘱的潜在问题 
5. 资产转移给配偶或子女的税务问题 
6. 遗产策划的两种信托(inter vivo trust and testamentary trust) 应用策划 
7. 海外收入,资产,企业的税务策划 
8. 从资产转移看人寿保险的多重实际应用 
9. 四种人寿保险相应的优点和不足, 常见的错误认识 
10. 自雇人士和公司业主如何购买适合自己的保险: Life, Critical Illness and Disability Insurance , 
11. 亚健康人士(高血压,心脏病,脂肪肝,糖尿病,肥胖症, 乙肝病毒携带者等)如何购买到满意的保险 
12. 人寿保险的利益分析-人寿保险在税务、投资、养老、财务计划等许多方面的收益 
13. 人生不同时期的潜在风险及如何利用寿险进行风险管理 
14. 自雇人士和公司业主的风险管理策略 . 
16. 为什么个人寿险比按揭人寿保险更好 (mortgage life insurance)
主讲人: 周学 志(Frank Zhou)
注册退休规划顾问(Registered Retirement Consultant-RRC) 
毕业于卡尔加利大学工商管理硕士金融专业(MBA Finance ) 
资深财务规划师 (CFP-Certified Financial Planner) 
特许人寿保险师(Chartered Life Underwriter-CLU) 
信托与资产规划协会(加拿大分会)会员(STEP-The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)
毕业于卡尔加利大学工商管理硕士(金融专业), 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 年环球百万圆桌会员, 有17年的金融理财服务行业成功经验,曾任中国平安保险天津分公司区域经理并连 续多年区域业绩第一。

时间: 2014年07月31日(Thursday)6:45pM-9:00PM
讲座地点:卡城江浙上海联谊会: 208-114 3AVE. SE (Chinatown)
座位有限(20人) ,欲报从速

Tuesday 22 July 2014

taobao my track 5


1. 经济学家。从经济学,市场,家庭负债分析,认为加拿大大城市房屋价格严重高估,调整在即。
2. 持币首次购房者。认为房屋价格太贵了,天天喊着房子要降价了。
3. 准备升级换房者。期望价格平稳,别涨或小涨,但千万别大跌。
4. 一套准备长期自住者。虽然涨跌不影响自己,但还是希望涨。
5. 买了贵房可降级者。快涨,换便宜房,获利。
6. 多套投资者。涨涨涨,最好像北京上海一样,涨个7,8倍,套现投资房获利
7. 经纪。涨涨涨涨,必须的,任何情况下都必须涨。否则高位下跌,大家都持币观望,等待,他们没生意做了。


Thursday 17 July 2014


酷热天气持续,加拿大卑诗汽车协会(The British Columbia Automobile Association,简称BCAA)副总裁卡曾(Ken Cousin)昨日在本地一间英语广播电台1130表示,驾驶时开启冷气,并不会带来更多支出。
- See more at:

Monday 14 July 2014


  职业排名 职业 中位年薪(美元)
  1 数学家 101360
  2 终身教授 68970
  3 统计师 75560
  4 精算师 93680
  5 听觉病矫治专家 69720
  6 牙科保健员 70210
  7 软件工程师 93350
  8 计算机系统分析师79680
  9 职能治疗师 75400
  10 语言矫正师 69870
  11 营养学家 55240
  12 生物医学工程师 86960
  13 人力资源经理 99720
  14 验光师 97820
  15 物理治疗师 79860
  16 财务规划师 67520
  17 医疗化验员 47820
  18 经济学家 91860
  19 计算机系统管理员72560
  20 石油工程师 130280
  21 气象学家 89260
  22 物理学家 106360
  23 医疗记录管理员 34160
  24 医疗实验室分析员47820
  25 土木工程师 79340
  26 计算机程序设计师74280
  27 翻译 45430
  28 网络设计师 62500
  29 足病医生 116440
  30 作家 74960
  31 生理学家 46020
  32 科技作家 65500
  33 药剂师 116670
  34 按摩师 66160
  35 律师助理 46990
  36 天文学家 106360
  37 地质学家 90890
  38 图书管理员 55370
  39 眼镜技师 33330
  40 会计师 63550
  41 环境工程师 80890
  42 供货分析师 72780
  43 医疗系统文秘 31890
  44 薄记员 35170
  45 多媒体艺术家 61370
  46 生物学家 57710
  47 美容护肤专家 28640
  48 正牙医师 149310
  49 精神病专家 178950
  50 信贷员 59820
  51 兽医 84460
  52 法庭速记员 48160
  53 生态环境保护工作者59060
  54 历史学家 52480
  55 职业辅导顾问 53610
  56 核工程师 104270
  57 经理助理 35330
  58 工业机器维修人员45840
  59 工业管理工程师 78860
  60 理发师 22770
  61 牙科医生 146340
  62 化学家 72350
  63 管理顾问 78600
  64 农业科学家 58610
  65 机械工程师 80580
  66 食品卫生检察员 66790
  67 保险经纪人 62870
  68 报税员 50440
  69 人类学家 57420
  70 唿吸系统医疗人员55870
  71 考古学家 57420
  72 广播技师 41200
  73 牙科技工 36440
  74 器械修理工 35150
  75 采购代理人 55450
  76 打字员 36020
  77 网络销售经理 105260
  78 医生 187200
  79 招聘人员 56360
  80 社区管理经理 59970
  81 珠宝制作人员 35350
  82 法官 102980
  83 博物馆馆长 44410
  84 电工 57850
  85 电机工程师 89630
  86 教师助理 23640
  87 太空工程师 103720
  88 医生助理 90930
  89 电气技师 49480
  90 社会工作者 44200
  91 动物学家 57710
  92 外科医生 233150
  93 建筑绘图师 48800
  94 心理学家 69280
  95 假释官 48190
  96 市场分析师 60300
  97 水暖工 49140
  98 门房 22320
  99 学校校长 87760
  100 家具制造人员 30750
  101 牧师 43800
  102 地毯安装工 35760
  103 家庭护理 20820
  104 建筑器械操作员 82790
  105 注册护士 65470
  106 汽车修理工 37680
  107 收银员 18970
  108 工业产品设计师 59610
  109 计算机维修工 36620
  110 收税员 50440
  111 收货员 29320
  112 酒保 18900
  113 铲车驾驶员 31530
  114 机械师 40910
  115 机床技工 35900
  116 有照护士 41540
  117 小学教师 53090
  118 家庭保姆 19570
  119 木匠 39940
  120 电气设备修理工 51220
  121 建筑检查员 53450
  122 娱乐场所工作人员22240
  123 护士助理 24400
  124 洗碗工 18610
  125 建筑师 73090
  126 律师 113530
  127 银行柜台工作人员24940
  128 广告人员 46290
  129 裁缝 25590
  130 工程技术人员 47560
  131 通信设备技工 54530
  132 办公室接待员 25990
  133 公司总裁 101650
  134 保安 24020
  135 施工机械操作员 40980
  136 股票交易员 71720
  137 殡仪馆经理 51600
  138 项目策划人员 45810
  139 出版物编辑 53880
  140 公共关系主管 98700
  141 污水处理厂工作人员42760
  142 空中交通管制员 122530
  143 装配工 28580
  144 勘测员 56230
  145 推销员 51030
  146 钻床工 32950
  147 钢铁工人 46140
  148 社会学家 55940
  149 玻璃安装工 37610
  150 宠物照料者 19970
  151 演员 51112
  152 采购经理 60550
  153 零售店售货员 21410
  154 舞蹈动作设计者 44130
  155 核废料处理技工 37590
  156 油漆工 35190
  157 旅店经理 46810
  158 保险代理 48150
  159 海员 48980
  160 金属工 43290
  161 建筑工人 29160
  162 摄影师 28490
  163 害虫控制工人 30060
  164 输油管工人 47090
  165 公交车司机 29550
  166 儿童照料者 19510
  167 订货员 60550
  168 健身指导员 31720
  169 飞机制造技工 55230
  170 卡车司机 38200
  171 汽车组装工 28580
  172 奶农 69330
  173 汽车维护工 36610
  174 餐馆服务生 18540
  175 房地产经纪人 41990
  176 时装设计师 62860
  177 飞机驾驶员 98410
  178 紧急医疗救护人员31020
  179 将军 196300
  180 屠夫 28360
  181 码头工人 22970
  182 农场主 69300
  183 读表员 36410
  184 邮递员 53100
  185 焊工 36300
  186 摄影记者 36330
  187 警察 56980
  188 电台音乐节目主持人27750
  189 广告业务员 46290
  190 屋顶工 35290
  191 狱警 38970
  192 消防员 45250
  193 垃圾收集工 22970
  194 空服人员 37240
  195 主厨 42840
  196 播音员 27750
  197 出租车司机 22820
  198 后备役军人 28840
  199 报纸记者 37090
  200 伐木工人 24340
- See more at:

Wednesday 9 July 2014

why can't I set a reserve price for my listing?

Sadly, it looks like Ebay no longer allows you to set a reserve price. The method pinkflamingo2855suggested doesn't seem to exist.This is frustrating because it makes Ebay much less useful to me. The reserve price was an immensely useful feature, especially if you weren't sure how much it was worth online, but knew an offline price you could use.The whole "just list it at the min price" argument is naive. A high initial bid scares off most bidders, even if the price is still rediculously under value, and people get in bidding wars all the time. I've listed items at $10 that didn't sell, and then relisted them at $1 only to have them sell for $50 later.

tao bao my track 2

Tuesday 8 July 2014

首富比尔·盖茨的家 首度震撼曝光

  大概真是“智者乐水”,比尔傍水而居,那座着名的“大屋(Big House)”雄踞华盛顿湖东岸,盖茨把岸边小山挖去一半,前临水、后倚山,堪称聚拢财气、卧虎藏龙的风水宝地。占地当然极为庞大,66000平方英亩, 相当于几十个足球场。据说,土木工程干了整整七年,比尔先生先后砸进去了九千七百万美元,足够买下一家中型的上市公司了。这座毫宅共有七间卧室、六所厨 房、24个浴室、一座穹顶图书馆、一座会客大厅和一片养殖鳟鱼的人工湖泊……它号称全世界“最有智慧”的建筑物、“未来生活的典范”。当然,养活这样的房 子还需要一大笔开销,比尔先生每年上缴税金100万美元——这可是美国国民年均收入的25倍。
  豪宅的模样极其靓丽,白瓦橙墙,宽廊大窗,典型的 “西北风格”,骨骼、皮肤都是名贵的森林原木——50万立方英尺,堆砌起来真是小山一样。其中挑大梁的木材产自哥伦比亚河边畔,热带雨林丰沛的降水和明媚 的阳光,沐浴着那些寿高百年的巨大树木。


  轰隆一声伐倒,又像护送国王灵柩似地一路运来。工匠们聚精会神地整修疤痕孔洞,平滑之后,再用砂纸一遍一遍地打 磨……最后,每段木材都闪耀着绸缎的光泽。组装、固定那些木材的不锈钢全部镀过铜,那种古香古色的金属咬住了木材的关节,散发着森林气息的宅院,既有西部 牛仔的粗犷、奔放,又有欧洲贵族的典雅、细腻。有一本书叫做《格调》,里面说,富翁不单是一个钱的问题,更要紧的是极端的想像力。比尔先生就是这种人,他 舍得大把花钱,买的就是山水乡野的纯正味道。
  在客厅里放一个假山,做一个喷泉,那是农民企业家的品位。在客厅里布置一个大鱼缸,那是中产阶级的消遣;在客厅里哪一个水族官当背景,这才真需要点财力。而 最最另我发指的是,这个大水缸里的货色。

  海豚,鲨鱼也就算了,这些东西最普通的水族官里也能看到那分明居然还有一条鲸鲨--世界上最大的鱼这体现出盖茨的 富不是单就有钱。还要提醒的是,鲸鲨不但稀有,濒临绝种,而且它也是世界上最古老的生物之一,它不是鲨鱼,也不是鲸鱼。那么庞大的体型,吃的确是海洋浮游生物。
  这意味着,它消化的功效很底,转换食物为体能所需养分的功效很底因此它需要不断的进食。鲸鲨又是最神秘的地 球生物之一,科学家研究鲸鲨都进行长年累月的 追踪仍然不能完全掌握其迁徙轨迹。其在海洋中迁徙的距离之长就不用说了。综合以上,比尔.盖茨如何人工养殖这条鲸鲨就成了一个值得研究的问题。
  其次,这个水缸要多大,才能满足一条鲸鲨的基本需要?再次,这成吨的海水单就在海边,也需要一整套水力系统做支持,如果居所在内陆,或进内陆,那么这么 多海水的运输,替换成本简直要让人乍舌了。除非海水是以活水方式导入。

  最主要的是,伺候一条鲸鲨不是伺候小狗小猫这样的宠物。其背后不是找一两个兽 医就可以了事的。那需要一个科研小组。换言,如果你是科学家,动物学家,你可以帮盖茨去养鲸鲨。现在我才知道富人是怎么成为的。《格调》里面说,富人不单 是一个钱的问题。
  富 人当然不能没有钱,钱是基本前提。富人更需要的是极端的想象力。象我们大家还停留在以为有房有车就是富裕,大不了象某些留学生以为,三 天两头的更换最好的车,就是富了那只能说我们还处于对什么是‘富’认识的最最原始阶段。比尔该茨这个时候,已经努力在把最前沿的科学成果,运用到装点家居 上了。
  还 是领教一下这座豪宅“聪明”手段吧。首先是“远距离遥控”,用手机控制电脑,提前放满一池热水。主人爱清凉,湖面上的游艇就成了他会客的好去处。比尔心 细,愿意客人在宅子里洗尽风尘,于是,手机拨号,接通豪宅内的中央电脑,用数字按键与电脑沟通,让电脑对卫浴系统发号施令:“开始在大浴缸放满一池热水 吧!”澡水算什么?还能遥控家里所有的电器,比如打开空调、烧煮咖啡等等,手指一触按键,齐了。
  游艇就停泊在豪宅前 的小码头上,步入家门之前,最 好先别上主人事先备好的“电子胸针”,这个小玩意儿不但能辨认客人,还把每位来宾的详细资料藏在胸针里,这样一来,机器之间信息往还,比尔的住宅便成了神 机妙算的诸葛亮,它什么都了解,谁也休想跟房子耍滑头。如果没有这枚“胸针”就麻烦了,防卫系统会把陌生的访客当做“小偷”或者“入侵者”,警报一响,便 有人倒霉。
  走 进大厅,空调已将室温乖乖地调整到最舒适,高级音响忙活起来,它同样掌握客人的不同欣赏口味,当然,依照你的口味播放舒伯特或者爵士乐。灯光也见风使舵, 迎合人的情绪增减光亮、调换色调。墙上的大屏幕液晶电视,会自动显示你喜欢的名画或影片……这些察言观色的讨好动作都是自动完成,根本不需要谁拿着摇控器 摁来摁去。大厅、餐厅、客房、健身室、图书馆……似乎每个角落都站着忠心耿耿的仆从,这些量身打造的“变色龙”,令人感到随心所欲,为所欲为——爽极了!

  据 了解,整座豪宅内,大约铺设了长达80公里的电缆,相当于天安门到首都机场的距离,数字神经绵密完整,种种信息家电,就此通过连结而“活”起来,再加上宛 如人体大脑的中央电脑随时上传下达,频繁地接收手机、收讯器与感应器的信号,那些卫浴、空调、音响、灯光格外听话。比尔的豪宅也就“神”了。胡锦涛参观了 许久,也觉得有趣,就问,您就不需要管家了吧?
  客 厅摆几架盆景,小市民的品位;布置一口大鱼缸,白领的水平;像比尔·盖茨的书房那样,二十几米高直上直下,整整一面墙,都是庞大的水族馆,那才叫极品消 遣、才叫“酷”哩!蔚蓝色的海洋被裁成了一道童话般的背景:银沙绿藻,一片澄明,海豚、白鲨、鲸鱼……悠闲地游荡着,似乎挥手就能招到眼前来。
  据 报道,盖茨从1990年开始,花了七年时间、6000万美元与无数心血,建成这幢独一无二的豪宅,占地约2万公顷,建筑物总面积超过6130平方米。根据 金恩郡2002年的地政资料,盖茨的家园(土地与建筑物)总值约1.13亿美元,每年缴纳的税金超过100万美元,是美国国民年平均收入的25倍。
  盖茨豪宅的高科技设备不同凡响。访客从一进门开始,就会领到一个内建微晶片的胸针,可以预先设定你偏好的温度、湿度、灯光、音乐、画作等条件,无论你走到哪 里,内建的感测器就会将这些资料传送至Windows NT系统的中央电脑,将环境调整到宾至如归的境地。
  因 此,当你踏入一个房间,藏在壁纸后方的扬声器就会响起你喜爱的旋律,墙壁上则投射出你熟悉的画作;此 外,你也可以使用一个随身携带的触控板,随时调整感觉。甚至当你在游泳池戏水时,水下都会传来悦耳的音乐。整座建筑物埋设了84公里长的光纤缆线,有趣的 是,墙壁上看不到任何一个插座,因为盖茨不喜欢“乱糟糟”的感觉。
  不过,盖茨最自豪的还是他的私人图书馆,这是一座圆顶建筑,屋顶中间有一个接收自然光的天窗,室内光线随着外界阴晴调整。馆中珍藏着达·芬奇的《莱切斯 特手稿》、拿破仑写给约瑟芬的情书、希区考克电影《惊魂记》的剧本手稿等等;其中,达·芬奇手稿的价值就超过3000万美元。
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Friday 4 July 2014

Etsy VS EBay VS Bonanza

Everything on Etsy must be Handmade, Vintage, or a Craft Supply 
Handmade items are designed and created by the shops that sell them. Because transparency matters on Etsy, we ask sellers to list shop members and share information about manufacturers involved in creating their items. Reselling an item you were not involved in creating is not allowed in our handmade category. 
Vintage items are 20 years or older and must not violate our rules for prohibited items
Craft Supplies are materials and tools intended for use in the creation of a new handmade item.  
Prohibited itemsservices, and items that violate our intellectual property policies are not allowed on Etsy. 

Can eBay sellers have multiple accounts?

As sellers grow, they're often interested in organizing or segmenting their selling more efficiently by opening multiple eBay accounts.
Buyers, on the other hand, are often suspicious that two or more sellers posting listings are actually really one and the same person, and may assume that if this is the case, the seller is somehow "cheating" or is pulling the wool over eBay's eyes.
So what's the deal? Can sellers have multiple eBay accounts?
The answer is yes—eBay has no objection to sellers opening multiple selling accounts and using all of them simultaneously. This means that:
  • As a seller, you needn't worry about this practice or pretend that the account is actually someone else. There's no reason to hide.
  • As a buyer, you needn't assume that any seller with more than one account is necessarily doing something furtive or against the rules. Sellers are allowed to trade using multiple accounts.
There are a few things to keep in mind as you sell using multiple accounts, however, or as you buy from sellers that you imagine to have multiple accounts.
For Sellers
Though selling using multiple accounts is allowed, there are some important things to understand about eBay and the use of multiple accounts under the rules:
  • Identification must be separate. Each account that you open must have a unique seller IDand email address associated with it.
  • You can't mention them both at the same time. Under eBay rules, you're not allowed to cross-reference your accounts in listings—that is to say that when listing items using one account, you can't promote another account or the items in it in your item description orAbout Me page.
  • It's not a suspension remedy. If you've beensuspended, don't simply register a new account in hopes of getting back into business; eBay's proprietary systems and data are very good at linking related accounts together and you'll find that your new account is quickly also suspended if the problems with your old account haven't been resolved. More to the point, registering a new account during an existing suspension is likely to cause eBay to balk at ever reinstating any of your accounts, or you as a seller.
  • It can make organization harder. While many sellers register additional accounts to help them to organize and structure their selling, multiple accounts can also create organizational problems. Remember that additional accounts means multiple sets of selling fees, multiple mailboxes to check, and so on.
For Buyers
It can be liberating to realize that there's not always something wrong with items being sold under multiple selling accounts, but it's also important to understand a few things as a buyer about sellers with multiple accounts.
  • Contact the right account. Sellers with multiple accounts may actually be businesses with multiple teams; when handling customer service issues or contacting your seller, it's important to contact the account involved in your transaction rather than some other account, even if you suspect that both accounts are registered to the same person or company. Just as importantly, you can't be absolutely sure that two accounts are the same seller unless a seller tells you so; raise customer service issues with an account that you didn't make a purchase from and you could actually be contacting a different individual entirely—one who has no idea what you're talking about and no obligation to you.
  • Don't leave feedback across accounts. This goes double for feedback. Don't be tempted to reference other selling accounts in your feedback, positive or negative, since you don't know for sure whether both accounts are in fact the same person, and since doing so may open your feedback up to removal by eBay.
  • You're not obligated to buy. Buying on eBay is a choice; if you're uncomfortable with a seller ID that you suspect of being one of several accounts, just don't buy. It does neither yourself nor the seller(s) involved any good to enter into a transaction, then complain about the fact that the seller has or may have multiple accounts.

    How (and How Not) to Un-Suspend Your eBay AccountFor an eBay-based small business, having trading privilegessuspended by eBay can be a devastating, panic-inspiring blow. With trading privileges gone, revenue grinds to an instant halt. Customer service issues may not be easy to resolve. Funds may even be frozen in place by PayPal.

    It's no exaggeration to say that when an eBay business finds its trading privileges suspended, it will do almost anything at all to get them back. Unfortunately, as too many eBay sellers quickly discover, resolving suspension issues isn't an easy process. Read on to learn how to think about suspension, what to do to become unsuspended, and what you must absolutely not do if you want to have any hope of continuing to trade on eBay.

    Things to Remember About Suspension

    Account suspensions don't come out of nowhere. In general, the reasons eBay gives for suspending accounts fall into several basic categories:
    1. You haven't paid your seller fees.
    2. As a seller, you've had serious or repeated customer service or satisfaction issues, and eBay finds itself having to clean up after you with your buyers.
    3. You've violated eBay rules, usually seriously or repeatedly.
    4. eBay has discovered that the email address and/or phone number that you supplied to them are invalid.
    5. You are closely related to or living in the same building as someone else that has been suspended from trading on eBay.
    When your account is suspended by eBay, you'll receive an email notice about the suspension giving the reasons for it. You'll also see the same information when you try to log into your account.

    What Not to Do, Ever

    No matter what, you should not immediately visit eBay, create a new account, and re-list all of your auctions.
    Why not? For two very good reasons:
    • You'll be quickly re-suspended. eBay's database cross-references addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, mailing addresses, first and last names, bank account information, and a wealth of other details. Almost without fail, eBay's system will quickly mark your new account as being related to your old account, and you'll be suspended within a few days once again.
    • It's a further violation of the rules. Registering a new account when you've been suspended is a serious violation of eBay rules, meaning that you're now a serial violator as far as eBay is concerned. With each new registration attempt, it becomes less and less likely that eBay will ever allow you to trade on the site again.
    Certainly you shouldn't make the mistake that many suspended sellers make, opening new bank accounts, using relatives' mailing or email addresses, establishing P.O. boxes and so on in an attempt to hide your identity. This works against you for two very important reasons:
    1. It spreads the damage around. Each time you register a new account using a relative's address, name, phone number, email address, or other contact information, the circle of accounts that is 'related' to your suspended account grows, and each of these is automatically suspended as eBay's database makes the connections. Rather than getting yourself back on eBay, this kind of activity is much more likely to force friends and familyoff of eBay as each of them is also suspended for being connected to you.
    2. It makes it easier, not tougher, to suspend you each time. Each new account that you create gives eBay a little bit more information about you in their database; ultimately, as it turns out, each new account that eBay finds and suspends in relation to you makes itthat much easier to find the next account that you register, even if you're attempting to hide your identity.
    Finally, you should never, ever contact bidders directly and offer to sell to them outside of eBay after a suspension. All of your bidders and buyers received notice when you were suspended and instructed not to complete transactions and to report attempts by you to do so.
    So what exactly should you do after getting suspended, in order to work your way back into eBay's good graces? Read on to find out.

    What You Should Do to Get Un-Suspended

    Though it can seem painful and time-consuming, if you hope to salvage your eBay trading privileges, you need to work within eBay's system to reinstate your account. This generally involves three basic steps:
    1. Contact eBay. Either reply to the suspension notice you received in email or use officially sanctioned contact methods to get in touch with eBay and request reinstatement, making clear that you're willing to do what it takes to make this happen.
    2. Right the wrong and/or fix the reason for your suspension. In practice, this means undoing, to the best of your ability, whatever it is you did to get suspended in the first place.
    3. Provide whatever information eBay requests of you. Often, eBay will require additional materials for account reinstatement beyond those that you supplied when you registered for eBay.
    It is items numbered two and three above that most suspended sellers would prefer to avoid. Unfortunately, it is precisely items numbered two and three above that are most important to the eBay representatives behind the scenes that are considering whether or not to reinstate your trading privileges.

    What eBay May Require of You

    Generally, in order to be reinstated, eBay will require you to do some combination of the following, as determined by the eBay representative handling your case:
    • Paying your bill if your suspension was due to nonpayment.
    • Providing verifiable contact information (telephone number and email address) if your suspension was due to inaccurate or incomplete contact information availability.
    • Delivering goods that customers never received and/or offering refunds for goods with which they were unsatisfied.
    • Getting these previously unsatisfied customers to report their satisfaction to eBay on your behalf.
    • Providing a detailed explanation of why these unsatisfactory conditions came to exist.
    • Providing persuasive assurances that you've rectified any rule violations and are determined not to engage in the practices for which eBay suspended you.
    • Supplying eBay with detailed contact information, potentially including drivers' licenses, bank account information, or other personal information that can be used to identify you.
    • Other conditions and/or a waiting period before which you can be reinstated.

    Fairness and the Reinstatement Roller-Coaster

    eBay's tough stance on suspension comes from the need to balance problems like fraud andbuyer dissatisfaction against the needs of the sellers that directly pay eBay's bills, yet only so long as buyers stay satisfied enough to buy once again.
    Unfortunately, reinstatement is not automatic, nor is it an easy or linear process. It can seem frustrating, unfair, endless, and arbitrary, especially if you feel as though you've done nothing wrong. The sense of having been wronged can be particularly acute if your account has been suspended because you're related in some way to a suspended seller, whether this relationship is a matter of being family or friends-or even just happening to live in the same building or at the same phone number as a previously suspended seller.
    At the end of the day, however, it is in your interest to work 'within the system' to have your account reinstated by eBay if you have any plans to trade on eBay in the future. In practical terms, other strategies-both 'hard' strategies like re-registering new accounts and 'soft' strategies like complaining loudly and writing letters to eBay or other parties-are likely to prove catastrophically ineffective, and to reduce the chances that you will ever trade on eBay again.