Wednesday 20 February 2013

altium create FPGA

project -> FPGA project -> add to project schematic -> FPGA generic lib, port plugin place part -> tools -> quiet annotate -> connect wire, buses, place bus entry, label bus net net[x..y], label ramification  net[z] -> project compile, error message -> project configuration manager -> add constraint -> view, device view, compile, synthesis, build, program -> place sheet symbol, tab name symbol, select sch file (file should be added to project first) -> place add sheet entry, io -> or -> design, create sheet symbol from sheet, select .vhd file (file should be added to project first)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

altium create library

create .pcblib file -> save -> place pad -> cut pad -> edit -> paste special -> circular -> top overlay -> outline

create .schlib file -> save -> create new component -> draw connector -> associate with footprint

schematic -> library -> add library created -> place connector

create pcb

Tuesday 12 February 2013

altium create pcb

project -> new project -> add schematic to project -> library -> place part -> assign designators -> save project & schematic

add pcb to project -> save pcb  -> design -> import change from pcb -> execute -> drag parts from right corner to board area -> draw board outline in mechanic layer -> design -> rules -> design -> layer stack manager -> autoroute ->all -> default 2 layer edge connector

file -> fabrication output -> gerber