Friday 25 May 2012

Janet Harrison

I am Janet Harrison and at this time our company announcers new post of Mystery
Shopper in your area. As Mystery Shopper your duties will be to get more information
about the service from various shopping outlet.

You will earn $200.00 per assignment and you can take as many assignments as time
permits you, every task will take about one hour and it wont affect your present job
because its flexible.
If you have an interest in our offer, please fill in the information below and send
it back to us at .

Your Full Name:
Full Address, city, state and zipcode:
Cell and home Phone Numbers:
Email address:

Hope to hear from you soon!
Kind regards,
Janet Harrison.


  1. I got the same thing yesterday as I posted on a job site. How can you tell it is spam? The only telling is that there is no company name. Beyond job cannot be found.

  2. Same here, so I emailed her back and asked for her company name, address and telephone number. I would be happy to provide mine afterwards!

  3. OMG! Check out the blogs on this site! Definitely a SPAMMER!!!

  4. I got onto an e-mail account I don't use often to see if I had sent something to myself from a legitimate work site about a year ago.

    I had essentially the same message as this from three different people in the last week or so.

    One was from this woman, one from someone calling himself "Peter Fredson," and another was for a different supposed "job offer" for a junior finance assistant. That one was from someone calling herself "Janet Nieto."

    The subject lines all start out as "133" followed by several more numbers.

    I suspect this is similar to a scam I ran across about a year ago.

    That one was supposedly a remote location data entry job, and the scammers even put "applicants" through a very convincing set of HR type tests.

    In the end, of course, they want you to negotiate counterfeit checks for them as part of the proof that you are "trustworthy."

    This scam turns up in re-cast forms fairly often.
