This procedure should work with SanDisk, Lexar and Hagiwara CF.
On a computer with a floppy drive and a CF adapter/motherboard slot:
1. Make sure to make this machine bootable from the FLOPPY in the BIOS.
For SanDisk only: check if the CF is the primary or secondary IDE
master. If CF is recognized as an IDE slave, step 11 won't work. Find a
way to make it a master.
2. Get a Win98 boot floppy and check if it has: fdisk, format, bootprep and
3. Put CF in the slot
4. Boot from the floppy w/o the CDROM support
5. start FDISK
6. Select "N" for the large disk support - limits all partition to 2G / FAT16
7. Create a FAT16 partition of max size and shutdown (you will get a prompt from fdisk)
8. Boot from the floppy
9. format c:
10. bootprep /dC /y
11. For the SANDISK CF only:
atcfwchg /P /F (for the primary IDE master)
atcfwchg /S /F (for the secondary IDE master)
12. Shutdown
13. Using a USB reader plug CF in a PC with the EmbXP image
14. Copy the image to the CF
15. Enjoy!
Attached:, bootprep
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